Rent and lease containers

  • Liquidity-preserving

  • No acquisition costs

  • Full flexibility

Product overview of leasing and renting containers

Select your desired products here and we will send you your personalised offer immediately.

Small load carriers

Large load carrier



KLT Behälter mieten und leasen r-klt3215


KLT Behälter mieten und leasen SuperQuad-Box

Super Quad Box

KLT Behälter mieten und leasen 3.1-europalette


KLT Behälter mieten und leasen D-65


KLT Behälter mieten und leasen RL-KLT-3147


KLT Behälter mieten und leasen System-2000

System 2000

KLT Behälter mieten und leasen 3.8-mehrwegpalette


Pallet end cover



Grid boxes

Intermediate layer

KLT Behälter mieten und leasen C-KLT3214


KLT Behälter mieten und leasen Klapa


KLT Behälter mieten und leasen Behaeltersicherungsplatte

Container safety plate

Product overview of leasing and renting containers

Select your desired products here and we will send you your personalised offer immediately.

Small load carriers

KLT Behälter mieten und leasen r-klt3215


KLT Behälter mieten und leasen RL-KLT-3147



KLT Behälter mieten und leasen C-KLT3214


Large load carrier

KLT Behälter mieten und leasen SuperQuad-Box

Super Quad Box

KLT Behälter mieten und leasen System-2000

System 2000

KLT Behälter mieten und leasen Klapa




KLT Behälter mieten und leasen 3.1-europalette


KLT Behälter mieten und leasen 3.8-mehrwegpalette


Grid boxes


KLT Behälter mieten und leasen D-65


Pallet end cover

Intermediate layer

KLT Behälter mieten und leasen Behaeltersicherungsplatte

Container safety plate

You have not found your desired product?

Give us a call: +49 9729 9077-200

Container rental & pooling:
Focus on flexibility and liquidity

Why invest valuable capital in industrial boxes when you can rent or lease them? Discover the benefits of container hire with sprintBOXrental. As a leading provider, we enable you to react flexibly to demand and optimise the use of resources.

Maximum flexibility through pallet leasing

The demand for industrial boxes varies. Excess stock ties up capital, spontaneous peaks in demand require investment. Our rental and leasing services ensure demand-orientated supply, save storage costs and avoid unnecessary investments.

Easy start to container renting

Select the desired boxes, quantity, configuration and time period. We create packaging material sets and provide them within 24 hours – with absolute reliability.

“Sale-and-lease-back” for capital freedom

We can purchase your system containers and put them back on hire purchase. Capital release without large investments. Attractive new procurement offers, individual choice of quality and manufacturer.

Pooling approach for maximum flexibility

We integrate poolable industrial boxes into existing business. Temporarily rent out excess stock, higher capacity utilisation. Covering peak demand, maximum flexibility.

Cleaning, storage areas and conveyor technology are available.

Maximum flexibility through pallet leasing

The demand for industrial boxes varies. Excess stock ties up capital, spontaneous peaks in demand require investment. Our rental and leasing services ensure demand-orientated supply, save storage costs and avoid unnecessary investments.

Easy start to container renting

Select the desired boxes, quantity, configuration and time period. We create packaging material sets and provide them within 24 hours – with absolute reliability.

“Sale-and-lease-back” for capital freedom

We can purchase your system containers and put them back on hire purchase. Capital release without large investments. Attractive new procurement offers, individual choice of quality and manufacturer.

Pooling approach for maximum flexibility

We integrate poolable industrial boxes into existing business. Temporarily rent out excess stock, higher capacity utilisation. Covering peak demand, maximum flexibility.

Cleaning, storage areas and conveyor technology are available.

Optimise resources

Create free resources and rent or lease your desired containers.

Customised containers

Do you have special requirements? Talk to us.

Renting is environmentally conscious

– and you can deploy your capital where it is needed.

sprintBOX Blog

And what can we do for you?

Immediate enquiry

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